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[ENG] Rain and Grey.

It was raining. I am drowning in the time past, happening, looking, and searching for something that I didn't even know about anything. Spread into the darkness, growing like happiness, end it with sadness. I don't know. It's just so many things I had to tell about her, but I can't. Can't even look into her eyes, cause I'm too nervous. But also curious, who is she? And why does she follow me like a ghost, she appears around me. Anywhere, everywhere. Or, does it just memories that I can't tell?

"Hey, can I have some Americano, please,"
Damn. She's here.

"Oh, sure."
My hands were shaking, my heart was beating, I cannot even stop that beat. What is wrong with me? We're not Rangga and Cinta who are trapped in complicated love. We're just strangers, which we didn't know each other.

"One Americano, anything else to order miss?"

"Just call me N,"

"Can I?"

"You should."


"Because you should stop staring at me, you should start a conversation with me. Not just being nervous around me, or shaking your hands while you're close to me."

Okay, I died.

"Are you okay?"

No, I am not. 

"I don't even know you, how could I start a conversation while other people are staring at you too?"

"That's it, you are the only person who has a chance to talk with me. Then, why you didn't do that?"

I muted myself. She is right, and now she smiled. Oh my god, that smile is killing me slowly. I've got to get out of this situation.

"Well, seems like I should give my card so your face would stop changing to red."

She wears grey, sounds of the rain. She gives her card to me, I see her hand full of rings. A lot of bohemian rings I guess. Her hands look cold, I really want to hold them. 

"I am older than you by the way if you can't ask. I just wanna say that,"

"I know, that's why I can't even talk to you."

"You should try anything, not just staring at something. But you have to try even though you know you might fail. But, at least you've tried."

Her words stopped my breath, her smile from her mouth counting me to death. God, I love her. Even though she wears black every day, or grey while in the rain. Her hands, holding Norwegian Wood by Murakami. But, does love always felt the same way as I felt today? 


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